Why To Study In Cyprus

Although known for its natural beauty, Cyprus is now in top of the list where students want to study from all over the world. The reasons mainly lie in the affordable university tuition, benefits brought by the structure of a academic year, comfortable accommodation, the option to choose for a long list of universities and the way they take students from other countries.   

Affordable University Tuition

After Denmark and Sweden, Cyprus ranks in the top of list in European Union, who spend the most of their GDP in education- 7%. It brings a positive impact on the students making the education much easier and accessible. It applies not only in case of the local students, but also foreigners. Being a country with a very small population which mainly depends on tourism sector, Cyprus has always been friendly to the students. There are also scopes for scholarships and fee reduction.

Benefits Brought by the Structure of the Academic Year

Cyprus is divided in two schooling system- one being the standard conservative British type of schooling and the other being the advanced American schooling system. The impact ranges from the study hours to the selection of subjects etc. The American system provides for a very liberal type of structure that enables students to choose their own curriculum and load whereas in the British system the curriculum and payment are fixed from beforehand and there are opportunities for scholarship and various type of fee reduction. Therefore, a student can choose in which type he/she wants to study according to his/her own comfort zone.

Most institutions start their academic calendar either in February or in October. The foreign students are usually advised to enroll two or three weeks earlier. The system emphasizes on group efforts and research options. There are usually two big exams, in the middle and at the end of the term.

Comfortable Accommodation

Accommodation is an important factor while studying abroad and Cyprus provides for an affordable and comfortable accommodation system for its students. The dormitories are provided in almost all the institutions where foreign students receive priorities. The higher educational institutions are organized with good mess and hall rooms with many modern facilities which makes cyprus one of the best in the accommodation in the whole of Europe.

Criterias Based on Which they Take Foreign Students

The secondary level certificate is necessary for the least with a average grasp on English- TOEFL 500 or IELTS 5.5. If the requirement in English is not fulfilled for any reason, the students can take language courses there in the universities. Cyprus being a country that encourages students from abroad to study in their universities makes it easier and reasonable for the students so that more more can go and study there.